National `AYUSH Grid' to connect all hospitals and laboratories

The ministry of AYUSH has initiated steps to set up a nationwide digital platform called `AYUSH Grid’ which aims to bring onboard all AYUSH facilities, including hospitals and laboratories, and promote traditional systems of healthcare, minister of state for AYUSH Shripad Yesso Naik informed the Lok Sabha in a written reply today. He said the ministry of AYUSH has conceptualised AYUSH Grid project for digitisation of the entire AYUSH sector. After completion of due procedures, the ministry has on boarded a project management consultancy and this agency is in the process of preparation of As–Is report, Gap Analysis, To-Be report, which shall be part of detailed project report (DPR). After completion of DPR, with the help of the consulting agency, the ministry will go ahead with on boarding of system integrators for actual development of AYUSH Grid project. Currently, the AYUSH ministry is running pilot projects like AYUSH Hospital Information Management System (A-HMIS), Tele-Medicine, Yogaloctaor Application, Bhuvan Application, Yoga Portal, Case Registry Portal etc and these projects will be co-opted in AYUSH Grid project in future. After completion of DPR, the ministry will process EFC memo for required budget for the project. Ministry of AYUSH has also proposed to establish 12,500 AYUSH centres across the country for traditional system of healthcare and medicines. 12,500 AYUSH health and wellness centres (HWCs) are proposed to be established by upgradation of existing state government AYUSH dispensaries and sub-health centres by the year 2023-24. Total financial allocation proposed for the scheme is Rs3,399.35 crore over the time period of five years. He said the AYUSH ministry has developed National Ayurveda Morbidity Codes (NAMC), a comprehensive classification of diseases described in Ayurveda as well as standardised Ayurveda terminologies. These have been made available on National AYUSH Morbidity and Standardised Terminologies Electronic Portal (NAMASTE Portal) developed by the ministry which is available to the public on the URL For standardisation of Ayurvedic diagnostic and treatment protocol, the Central Council of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) launched a project on reliability testing and validation of Ayurveda diagnostic methods in June 2018. Under this project, some common disease conditions have been identified and accordingly the proforma and manual of selected disease conditions is being drafted and validated through scientific methods in phased manner. In the first phase, the disease conditions which have been identified one Kushtha (skin diseases), Kasa, Shwasa and Jwara. The first draft of Kushtha (skin diseases) manual as clinical series-I has been published and for other three disease conditions inter-rator reliability has already been completed and second phase validity is under pipeline in collaboration with the academic institutes of national repute. Further, the development of proforma of various other disease conditions has been initiated. Various clinical studies are also being conducted following the integrated protocol in a scientific manner. The brief of clinical studies has been published as glimpses of clinical Research which is available on the Council’s website (