Youngsters in metros and mini-metros are very active on social media and adapt easily to any new social media platform due to the easy access to internet over gadgets. These findings are based on the Gen Y survey 2013-14 conducted by Tata Consultancy Services wherein opinions of 18,166 students in the age group of 12-18 years were sought. According to the survey, about 88.56 per cent of the youngsters owned cellphones in Mumbai, but were outdone by those from mini-metros where the figure was 90.94 per cent. About 90.22 per cent of the students surveyed from Mumbai were registered on Facebook. However, when asked about their favoured mode of communication with friends, social networking sites came third after face-to-face meeting and phone calls. About 41.66 per cent youngsters from Mumbai and nearly a similar number from other parts of the country agreed that social media helped them perform better in school. Ajoy Mukherjee, executive VP and global head of HR, TCS said, “Our annual survey of high-school students shows that urban teenagers are adopting new social platforms quickly, using them in multiple ways and leading the way in driving change.” Source: The Asian Age, Image: